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<% function pagelocations() pagelocations="荣誉资质" end function function pageContent(DataFrom,ID,SortPath) '------------------- dim rs,sql,AutoLink dim HideSort '未对外发布的类别 set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") '根据当前类别ID取需要列表产品的类别路径SortPath开始 if ID="" then SortPath="0,1," elseif not IsNumeric(ID) then response.write "
" exit function elseif conn.execute("select * from "&DataFrom&" Where ViewFlagch and ID="&ID).eof then response.write "
" exit function else SortPath=conn.execute("select * from "&DataFrom&" Where ViewFlagch and ID="&ID)("SortPath") conn.execute("update "&DataFrom&" set ClickNumber=ClickNumber+1 Where ID="&ID) end if sql="select * from "&DataFrom&" Where not(ViewFlagch) and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0" '根据当前类别ID取需要列表产品的类别路径SortPath结束 rs.open sql,conn,1,1 while not rs.eof HideSort="and not(Instr(SortPath,'"&rs("SortPath")&"')>0) "&HideSort rs.movenext wend rs.close '------------------- dim idCount'记录总数 dim pages'每页条数 pages=OtherInfo dim pagec'总页数 dim page'页码 page=clng(request("Page")) dim pagenc'每页显示的分页页码数量=pagenc*5+1 pagenc=5 dim pagenmax'每页显示的分页的最大页码 dim pagenmin'每页显示的分页的最小页码 dim pageprevious'上一相邻的页码 dim pagenext '下一相邻的页码 '重置数据表名 datafrom="Southidc_Others" dim datawhere'数据条件 datawhere="where ViewFlagch and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 "&HideSort& " " dim sqlid'本页需要用到的id dim Myself,PATH_INFO,QUERY_STRING'本页地址和参数 PATH_INFO = request.servervariables("PATH_INFO") QUERY_STRING = request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")' if QUERY_STRING = "" then Myself = PATH_INFO & "?" elseif Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")=0 then Myself= PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING & "&" else Myself = Left(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,Instr(PATH_INFO & "?" & QUERY_STRING,"Page=")-1) end if dim taxis'排序的语句 asc,desc taxis="order by Sequence asc " dim i'用于循环的整数 '获取记录总数 'sql="select * from Southidc_Products where ViewFlagch and Instr(SortPath,'"&SortPath&"')>0 "&HideSort sql="select count(ID) as idCount from ["& datafrom &"]" & datawhere set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,0,1 idCount=rs("idCount") '获取记录总数 if(idcount>0) then'如果记录总数=0,则不处理 if(idcount mod pages=0)then'如果记录总数除以每页条数有余数,则=记录总数/每页条数+1 pagec=int(idcount/pages)'获取总页数 else pagec=int(idcount/pages)+1'获取总页数 end if '获取本页需要用到的id============================================ '读取所有记录的id数值,因为只有id所以速度很快 sql="select id from ["& datafrom &"] " & datawhere & taxis set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 rs.pagesize = pages '每页显示记录数 if page < 1 then page = 1 if page > pagec then page = pagec if pagec > 0 then rs.absolutepage = page for i=1 to rs.pagesize if rs.eof then exit for if(i=1)then sqlid=rs("id") else sqlid=sqlid &","&rs("id") end if rs.movenext next '获取本页需要用到的id结束============================================ end if if(idcount>0 and sqlid<>"") then'如果记录总数=0,则不处理 '用in刷选本页所语言的数据,仅读取本页所需的数据,所以速度快 sql="select * from ["& datafrom &"] where id in("& sqlid &") "&taxis set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,0,1 while not rs.eof '填充数据到表格 If ISHTML = 1 Then AutoLink = "videoshow"&Separated&""&rs("ID")&""&Separated&""&rs("SortID")&"."&HTMLName&"" Else AutoLink = "videoshow.asp?ID="&rs("ID")&"&SortID="&rs("SortID")&"" End If %>
  • " title="<%=rs("OthersNamech")%>" rel="shadowbox[stoer]">
    " />


  • <% rs.movenext wend else response.write "
    " exit function end if response.write "
    " & vbCrLf response.write "
    " & vbCrLf pagenmin=page-pagenc '计算页码开始值 pagenmax=page+pagenc '计算页码结束值 if(pagenmin<1) then pagenmin=1 '如果页码开始值小于1则=1 If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(page>1) then response.write ("首页 ") Else if(page>1) then response.write ("首页 ") End If Else if(page>1) then response.write ("首页") '如果页码大于1则显示(第一页) End If if page-(pagenc*2+1)<=0 then pageprevious=page-1 else pageprevious=page-1 end if If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(page>1) then response.write ("上一页 ") Else if(page>1) then response.write ("上一页 ") End If Else if(page>1) then response.write ("上一页") End If if(pagenmax>pagec) then pagenmax=pagec '如果页码结束值大于总页数,则=总页数 for i = pagenmin to pagenmax'循环输出页码 if(i=page) then response.write (" "& i &" ") else If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then response.write (""& i &"") Else response.write (""& i &"") End If Else response.write (""& i &"") End If end if next if page+(pagenc*2+1)>=pagec then pagenext=page+1 else pagenext=page+1 end if If ISHTML = 1 Then If ID = "" Then if(page下一页 ") if(page尾页") Else if(page下一页 ") if(page尾页") End If Else if(page下一页") '如果页码结束值小于总页数则显示(更后) if(page尾页") '如果页码小于总页数则显示(最后页 End If response.write "
    " & vbCrLf rs.close set rs=nothing end function %>